New Zealand's Emissions Trading Experts (NZ ETS)

The ETS is a government initiative to offset greenhouse gas emissions in New Zealand. It is part of New Zealand’s climate change policy, intended to meet obligations to the Kyoto Protocol and other international treaties.

Emissions trading has become an important part of New Zealand forest management, and if you own a plantation forest you will have environmental responsibilities relating to the Emissions Trading Scheme.  The carbon market holds huge potential for forest owners as further industries are required to offset their emissions. Carbon units earned can be claimed and sold annually from 1 January 2008 adding a significant new income stream to traditional forest investment.
Venture Forestry is the only forestry service company in New Zealand with an international emissions trading expert in its team.
Through its alliance with Venture Partners, Venture Forestry provides comprehensive services to forest and land owners grappling with the NZ ETS.

Our Emissions Trading capabilities include:

  • NZ ETS Administration
  • Carbon Transactions
  • Carbon Portfolio Management
  • Permanent Forest Sink Initiative
  • NZ ETS Field Measurement.